June 20, 2024

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Government of Canada Launches Call for Proposals to support LGBTQ2S organizations

The Government of Canada is investing to strengthen LGBTQ2S organizations and support the vital work they do to create a fairer, more equal, and more inclusive Canada.
Today, the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural…

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The Government of Canada is investing to strengthen LGBTQ2S organizations and support the vital work they do to create a fairer, more equal, and more inclusive Canada. Today, the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development launched the Government of Canada's LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund Call for Proposals. Up to $18 million will be available to support LGBTQ2S organizations across the country whose initiatives contribute to a strong LGBTQ2 movement in Canada to advance equality for all people. This is the first open call of its kind in Canadian history and recognizes the incredible work these organizations do every day. This announcement builds on the work the Government of Canada has undertaken to address the unique needs and persisting disparities faced by LGBTQ2 communities. This includes legislative measures such as the introduction of federal legislation to prevent discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression and putting in place a process to permanently destroy the criminal records of those unjustly convicted for engaging in consensual sexual activity with same-sex partners. Organizations can find more information and submit an application to the Call for Proposals by visiting women.gc.ca. The call opens on March 5 and the deadline to submit is April 30, 2020 at 11:59 a.m. (noon) Pacific Standard Time. Quotes "For too long LGBTQ2S organizations were delivering vital services and doing the important work of creating a more equal Canada without dedicated support from the federal government. Today's announcement is another step towards rectifying that unfair disparity and reflects our government's commitment to create an inclusive future and new opportunities where everyone – regardless of who they love or how they identify – has an equal and fair chance at success." The Honourable Maryam...

The post Government of Canada Launches Call for Proposals to support LGBTQ2S organizations appeared first on GayWebSource.com - Gay News and Press Syndication.

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