June 20, 2024

Gay News Center

Gay LGBTQ News Powered by the Gay Media and Press Network.. Est. Nov. 2001

myGwork’s WorkPride conference returns with 50 events across 5 days

myGwork, the global business community for LGBTQ+ professionals, will bring back its hugely successful WorkPride for a second year. WorkPride is a five-day series of events bringing together LGBTQ+ professionals, inclusive employers and those committed to workplace equality, to network,…

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myGwork, the global business community for LGBTQ+ professionals, will bring back its hugely successful WorkPride for a second year. WorkPride is a five-day series of events bringing together LGBTQ+ professionals, inclusive employers and those committed to workplace equality, to network, share best practices and learn strategies to help create workspaces inclusive of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. In June 2020, WorkPride attracted 18,000 attendees over five days. The conference, convened at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic offered moments for networking and discussion, centring the ongoing necessity of workplace equality and inclusion even as the world adapted to working from home. For 2021, WorkPride expands its offering to 50 events across...

The post myGwork’s WorkPride conference returns with 50 events across 5 days appeared first on GayWebSource.com - Gay News and Press Syndication.

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