June 20, 2024

Gay News Center

Gay LGBTQ News Powered by the Gay Media and Press Network.. Est. Nov. 2001

The Antiboy Legacy

By Jane Badler

My son had a vision for the world. He called himself “AntiBoy”. He was against all labels and yearned for freedom to be whoever he wanted to be, and imagined a world where people were judged on…

The post The Antiboy Legacy appeared first on GayWebSource.com - Gay News and Press Syndication.

By Jane Badler My son had a vision for the world. He called himself “AntiBoy”. He was against all labels and yearned for freedom to be whoever he wanted to be, and imagined a world where people were judged on their hearts and minds, not on their gender. The post The Antiboy Legacy appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post The Antiboy Legacy appeared first on GayWebSource.com - Gay News and Press Syndication.
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