June 20, 2024

Gay News Center

Gay LGBTQ News Powered by the Gay Media and Press Network.. Est. Nov. 2001

Government of Canada Improves Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for LGBTQ2 Communities

The Government of Canada firmly believes that everyone should have access to safe and consistent sexual and reproductive health services. To do so, we are committed to removing barriers to access that continue to exist from coast to coast to…

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The Government of Canada firmly believes that everyone should have access to safe and consistent sexual and reproductive health services. To do so, we are committed to removing barriers to access that continue to exist from coast to coast to coast. We know that in Canada, LGBTQ2 communities are often unable to access inclusive sexual and reproductive health services because of a lack of safety in health care settings and/or a lack of provider knowledge about LGBTQ2 health. Today, on behalf of the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health, the Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, announced more than $5.1 million in funding from the Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund for projects by the Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC), the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD), Egale Canada and Sherbourne Health. These nation-wide projects will help improve sexual and reproductive health services, as well as develop resources and tools to support LGBTQ2 communities in getting the care and supports they need. The CBRC will receive $2,856,327 to work with partner organizations to foster health promotion leadership within LGBTQ2 communities; improve health care providers' capacity to provide sexual and reproductive care to community members; and create health promotion and policy resources for community members, health care providers, and policy-makers. The CCGSD will receive $1,090,624 to develop and deliver new educational resources and tools related to LGBTQ2 inclusive...The post Government of Canada Improves Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for LGBTQ2 Communities appeared first on GayWebSource.com - Gay News and Press Syndication.
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