June 20, 2024

Gay News Center

Gay LGBTQ News Powered by the Gay Media and Press Network.. Est. Nov. 2001

INTERVIEW – Darcy and Jer Offscreen: Gay couple bring “No Refunds Tour” to Alberta

It seems incredibly appropriate that our interview with Darcy Michael and Jeremy Baer, the Vancouver area couple whose comedic videos have exploded on TikTok and other social media is from their bed in a hotel room in Minneapolis, where they appeared a...

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It seems incredibly appropriate that our interview with Darcy Michael and Jeremy Baer, the Vancouver area couple whose comedic videos have exploded on TikTok and other social media is from their bed in a hotel room in Minneapolis, where they appeared at another jam packed theatre for their current No Refunds tour. The tour arrives at the Winspear Centre in Edmonton June 27th and Jack Singer Concert Hall in Calgary June 28th.
"You're going to have to bear with us. We're zombies right now. We've been on a new flight every 12 hours for like five days in a row. They have to write the city name on the stage for me to remember." Darcy said. "It was pride here, so it was a really fun crowd and, they were ready to party. It was probably the most off the wall show we've done of the tour. I was climbing through the audience at one point."
The tour is currently booked with dates through 2024. One of the differences between being a band and a comedy act is that routing isn’t as important for staging and a massive crew. The pair fly in and out and can take breaks. Darcy explained why after 20 years it was important to have breaks.
"We're kind of a nightmare for the tour promoters. I toured for so long before all this, it's really hard to have a good quality of life on the road. When Jer and I decided to do this, I would way rather stretch this out over a longer period of time. We haven't...The post INTERVIEW – Darcy and Jer Offscreen: Gay couple bring “No Refunds Tour” to Alberta appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.
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