June 20, 2024

Gay News Center

Gay LGBTQ News Powered by the Gay Media and Press Network.. Est. Nov. 2001

Gay By Design

By Karen Raines
I was watching TV the other day someone in the show I was watching asked, “If you met your eighteen-year-old self and could only say three words, what would they be?” Immediately, I knew mine: “Yes, you are.”
The post Gay By Design appe...

The post Gay By Design appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

By Karen Raines
I was watching TV the other day someone in the show I was watching asked, “If you met your eighteen-year-old self and could only say three words, what would they be?” Immediately, I knew mine: “Yes, you are.” The post Gay By Design appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Gay By Design appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.
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