June 20, 2024

Gay News Center

Gay LGBTQ News Powered by the Gay Media and Press Network.. Est. Nov. 2001

Twinkly Unveils New LED Effects in Honor of Pride Month

Leading Italian smart lighting brand,
Available through the free Twinkly app (for iOS and Android), anyone with a Twinkly product can use Twinkly's unique mapping function to create a pattern or choose from a selection of new premade Pride effects that...

The post Twinkly Unveils New LED Effects in Honor of Pride Month appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

Leading Italian smart lighting brand, Available through the free Twinkly app (for iOS and Android), anyone with a Twinkly product can use Twinkly's unique mapping function to create a pattern or choose from a selection of new premade Pride effects that can dazzle any space. The Pride effects are compatible with all Multicolor and Multicolor + White Twinkly lights, from the classic To honor Pride Month and its roots, Twinkly will have its lights on display at three of NYC's most historic LGBTQIA+ bars located in West Village - Duplex Piano Bar, Stonewall Inn and Kettle of Fish. In addition to taking in the lights all...The post Twinkly Unveils New LED Effects in Honor of Pride Month appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.
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