March 2, 2024

Gay News Center

Gay LGBTQ News Powered by the Gay Media and Press Network.. Est. Nov. 2001

A Roller Coaster Ride of a Transition

By Sabrina Godlewski
In 2016, I was in the military, about to visit my therapist for depression and gender dysphoria. I cried before I went in, staring up at the looming hospital tower and wondering if things would ever change. Unbeknownst to me, that ...

The post A Roller Coaster Ride of a Transition appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

By Sabrina Godlewski
In 2016, I was in the military, about to visit my therapist for depression and gender dysphoria. I cried before I went in, staring up at the looming hospital tower and wondering if things would ever change. Unbeknownst to me, that very day, they would. The post A Roller Coaster Ride of a Transition appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.

The post A Roller Coaster Ride of a Transition appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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